Sunday, January 28, 2018

Boy or Girl?

My 20 week ultrasound is coming up on February 20. If everything goes according to plan, we should be able to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. To pass the time, I'm adding a poll to the blog so you can vote on what you think we're having. Note- no actual prizes will be awarded if you guess correctly, but you will get mad bragging rights :)  Vote away...

Why Start a Blog?

So admittedly, I don't check facebook very much, let alone post anything more than a few times each year. While Casey still technically has a facebook account, I'm pretty sure he has not logged in since roughly 2011... so he definitely doesn't have an "active presence" on social media either.  I also like the idea of scrap booking, in theory, but when it comes down to actually printing out pictures and creating one, my innate laziness always wins out, and nothing gets accomplished. We realize, however, that soon our lives will become vastly more interesting to others in the family thanks to the the arrival of baby Prewitt in July, so we figured we needed to start a way of sharing updates in a timely manner. Enter the creation of the Adventures in Prewitt-ing blog! Inspired by my sister's family blog,  House of Kerrs, I figured I'd try my hand at blogging too, since it is more private than facebook and will also serve as a digital scrapbook of our lives- win-win! So welcome to the blog everyone, we hope you enjoy it :)