Monday, May 28, 2018

Candlewood Baby-Q

So the park right down the road from us just got a bunch of fun new equipment, a sand volleyball court, a basketball court and a new pavilion. When our friends Jimmy and Beth asked what we'd like to do for our church baby shower in Omaha, we immediately thought that a barbecue in the park complete with fun activities sounded like a great idea. Sadly, Omaha weather had other plans for us. It was a record breaking 100 degrees on Saturday! Apparently it hasn't reached 100 on May 26 since 1912. Go figure! haha. Everyone was still in good spirits though, even with the heat. Instead of outdoor games, we just basically amended the plan to hang out in the shade. Jimmy and Beth also brought a ton of water guns for the kiddos, which really saved the day!

Evite for the Baby-Q. 

Everyone trying to grab any available shade, even if it was on the ground behind the food. We had a potluck of Pulled pork sandwiches, assorted fruit, veggies, and tons of delicious glazed and baby blue frosted cake doughnuts (they were afraid an actual cake would have melted- I think it might have.)
 Everyone was so sweaty I didn't want to make people pose for pictures, so I just took some random crowd shots. 
My friend Lo caught me taking random crowd pics and said I needed to be in at least one "To prove I was actually there and didn't just google image search barbecue" LOL! So here is proof of my attendance, sitting with my friend Kiandra.

Curb side delivery of all our new baby swag after the shower. We really wanted a stockpile of diapers and our friends totally delivered!

 Another picture of the baby swag. All-in-all we received around 2,000 or so diapers in varying sizes and brands. Hopefully that should last us for awhile! We are so grateful for our wonderful and generous church family!
 Me propping my marshmallow feet/cankles after the shower. Casey was kind enough to deliver the presents to me. 
 Eddie was kind enough to be super "helpful" while I opened gifts.

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