Tuesday, February 20, 2018

We're having a BOY!

Today was the 20 week ultrasound. I was super excited, but also pretty anxious going in. I'm not really showing all that much, nor have I been able to feel any movement yet, so I was nervous that BP wasn't as large or developed as he should be. Luckily, my fears were unfounded. That kid is a fighter! I already knew from several dopplers that he didn't enjoy being prodded at (he always rolled away, and at one point kicked it directly), but it was really funny to watch him react on the ultrasound. The tech was able to get all of his measurements, but not without a major effort on her part. Practically anytime she would try to get a view of his face, he would cover it with one or both hands. He also kept kicking, rolling, and crossing and uncrossing his legs, so gender was the last thing we found out. Since he was so active, we weren't able to get a photo of him in his entirety, he was just moving too much. Therefore, I have included some random shots they were able to get. He apparently is not a fan of paparazzi, hopefully he'll learn to accept being photographed when he arrives. If not, apologies in advance grandparents 😉

1 comment:

  1. Although I am sad I can't give you hand-me-downs...I can't wait to buy boy clothes!!
