Monday, May 28, 2018

30 Week Ultrasound

So I am just over 30 weeks and had an ultrasound this afternoon to check BP's growth. The Dr. said everything looks great, which is always a relief. They estimated his weight at 3.9 lbs and placed him at the 58th percentile for size. Apparently they never change due dates but are estimating his arrival anywhere from July 1- July 9. 

We were hoping to get a cool 3D picture of him, but he remains camera shy. Not only was he snuggled in just above my bladder, but he had both hands at his face for most of the time. The tech even turned me to lay on my side to move him, but he remained stubborn. He finally moved one hand, but had his nose pressed up against the front of my uterus, so it caused a weird shadow that actually made him look a lot like Voldermort LOL, so sadly, no cute pics to share. 

We did, however find out that he has some wild hair, potentially a lot of it. I never even knew hair could show up on an ultrasound, but here it is. I believe this is a view from the top of his head. It kind of looks like an eclipse.

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