Monday, May 28, 2018

New Ride

We've had a small red Ford Focus since 2011, and Casey was very excited to trade it in for something larger in preparation for B.P.'s arrival. We actually did some prep work this time before making a major purchase, which is new for us (haha hurray adulthood!) and looked up a lot of reviews on Consumer reports. Subaru Forester and Honda CR-V were number 1 and 2 respectively for compact sport utility vehicles, so we decided to narrow our search to those two models. I just had my ultrasound, and we actually hadn't planned to look at Subarus that day, but traffic on Dodge was abysmal and there was a dealership on our way home, so we pulled in to kill some time and wait out the traffic jam. Lo and behold they had a beautiful blue Subaru Forester with low mileage and a lot of fun extra features that we've never had before (like a sun roof and heated seats!). It started pouring down rain during our test drive, and then the dealership was about to close, so they let us take it home for an overnight test drive, which I had never heard of before. So we took it home, became even more attached, and the rest is history :) We've already tested the cargo capacity several times now (Lowe's, Sam's Club, Baby shower swag, etc) and have yet to be disappointed. It is definitely going to be way easier to load and unload baby accouterments than in my previous car.

On the overnight test drive (note the dealer plates). We have since switched sides of the garage, which took some getting used to, but I think it will be way easer to get B.P. in and out of the house from the left bay. 

Showcase pictures after my Dr. Appointment a few days later. 
We decided we needed new keychains to celebrate the new vehicle. Since the interior lights are kind of reddish, we deemed it a Sith vehicle as opposed to Jedi,  also Casey is a soon to be Father, hence Darth Vader. I chose Batman, no real reason other than he is eternally Rad ;) 

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