Monday, May 28, 2018

Random Kitty Pics

So I was stricken with a cold/sinus infection/bronchitis plague for about a month. While I was ill, Eddie was very sweet about napping with me on the couch, Jules, not so much. I think she's still salty with me for bringing Eddie home, so she primarily will only come snuggle with me when she thinks I'm asleep in bed. Since I will always be a crazy cat lady at heart, here are some random kitty pictures.

Jules typically prefers napping in her own bed.
Eddie loves naps on the couch, especially on this gray blanket.
Eddie in all his napping glory.
He hates the light.

Casey has been traveling a lot, in the last few months, in an effort to get all of his yard visits out of the way before B.P's arrival. The cats never want to be this close to one another, but they do love Casey, so they always double snug him when he comes home. It's pretty ridiculous, then again, I'm also pretty jealous. 
Casey is the lump under the covers they are laying on.
Utterly ridiculous!

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