Monday, May 28, 2018

Kansas City Weekend

We had our baby shower with family in Kansas City over Mother's Day weekend. Sadly, I was still fighting the plague, so I sounded pretty pathetic and was coughing non-stop, but we still had a great time. It was the first time we took the Subaru out on the open road too, and it was a really great ride!
The shower was ocean themed and it turned out so cute! A huge thank you to everyone for all of their hard work making it happen. We got tons of wonderful stuff for B.P. and felt very loved!

Adorable Invitation

Casey and I with our lovely shower hosts (aka our sisters) and all of the delicious and ocean themed treats.
 Posing with a homemade quilt from Aunt Margaret. 
 So many books! A librarian's dream ;)
Casey with the Bakers (Austin and his wife Lauren). Austin is one of Casey's best friends from childhood.

Our niece Audrey having fun with the googly eyes from the crab croissants. 
Our nieces Hannah and Olive waiting patiently to grab the next present for us to open. They were great helpers!
 My family, minus Justin and Becky, looking respectable.

 Clearly we couldn't hold it together for long, LOL!
Casey and I after the shower in front of the fountain by our hotel.
Mother's Day Brunch on Sunday with the Prewitts.
And one more, so Bryan can be featured as well. 

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